Privacy Policy

The following “Privacy Policy” discloses how Pacifica Graduate Institute (the “Institution” or “we” or “us”) collects, stores, and uses by users of this CustomViewbook™ platform (“CustomViewbook”) (“You”).

Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Institution may collect, store, and upload the following “Collected Information” including information that personally identifies an individual: name, email address, year of planned admission, mailing address, general location (e.g., state and country), and personal interest selections. The Institution does not collect healthcare, financial, or government identification (e.g., social security) information.

Your Internet Protocol address is automatically logged by CustomViewbook and the Institution may request this information from the CustomViewbook provider (the “Platform Provider”) to help us understand and analyze trends, and improve services and user experience.

All Collected Information is stored on secure servers that are only accessible to the Platform Provider CustomViewbook and the Institution.

The Institution may import, store, and use any Collected Information in our admissions database and related processes, and may contact You solely for the purpose of exploring Your potential future association with the Institution.

The Platform Provider will not distribute Your personal information unless You “opt in” for a specific additional use of Your information. Such use would be disclosed to You prior to collection of that information. Platform Provider may use Collected Information in aggregate for statistical purposes and to evaluate the performance of the CustomViewbook platform, unless You specifically object to such use.

I understand that I may withdraw my consent to receive future communications from Pacifica at any time by clicking the link in related marketing emails, or by contacting Pacifica at or Admissions, Pacifica Graduate Institute, c/o Mailing List Removal, 249 Lambert Rd., Carpinteria, CA 93013.

Google Analytics Privacy

Platform Provider includes a standard implementation of Google Analytics, which uses “cookies” to collect data that may be provided to the Institution. Visit “How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps” (located at to see how Google will use this data. Platform Provider will not disclose Google Analytics data collected on behalf of the Institution to any other party.

General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)

The Institution is the “Controller” of Collected Information under the GDPR. You may contact the Institution concerning the use of Your personal information by sending an email to Collected Information is retained and processed by the Institution when a CustomViewbook is generated by Your request on the Institution's website, or in response to email, social media posts, or printed material supplied by the Institution. Initial processing takes place on secure, US-based cloud hosting platforms operated by Platform Provider, and subsequent processing takes place on protected assets under the control of the Institution. Collected Information may be subject to automated processing by the Institution to compare Your stated interests to their offerings. Encrypted data will be stored by Platform Provider in accordance with contractual terms with the Institution. You have the right to request access or an electronic copy, make corrections, request erasure, restrict processing, withdraw consent, or lodge a complaint regarding the handling of Your Collected Information by the Institution at any time. If you request erasure, restrict processing, or withdraw consent, your data will be removed from the Platform Provider's system and the Institution will erase Your information from its records.